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The European Union in Prophecy

See also: EU-Spiritual View

Is this the prophesied Revived Roman Empire?

“We felt like Romans on that day . . . We were consciously recreating the Roman Empire once more” [ Paul-Henri Spaak at signing of Treaty of Rome, 1957 ] . . . “In many ways the European Union can be seen as the inheritor of the Roman Empire” [ Boris Johnson, ‘The Dream of Rome’ ] . . . “If and when the United States begins to retrench . . . a real possibility, the European Union may well begin to fill the vacuum in the Western world . . .” [ Ottawa Citizen, 2009 ]

A key factor associating the European Union with Bible Prophecy

The European Union (EU) fits Bible prophecy for the end times extremely well. A key factor is the ‘statue vision’ described in chapter 2 of the prophet Daniel. Many see the feet and toes of this statue as depicting a future ‘Revived Roman Empire’ – the last form of secular government that persecutes Israel. Today, EU treaties, statues, coins, flags, churches, buildings, museums and lack of democracy strongly suggest that this prophecy refers to the European Union.

As such, the European Union, in the form of a Revived Roman Empire, appears to form the core of the prophesied godless one-world government. Prophecy also says this brutal but short-lived world system will be destroyed at the Second Coming of Christ.

From Europa to Europe

How did Europe gets its name? Is there some prophetic significance in the name or its origin?

Let’s consider a little Greek mythology. The favoured story goes that Europa, a Phoenician woman of high lineage, was seduced by the god Zeus and carried away to Crete. Zeus did this by disguising himself as a beautiful white bull and coaxing Europa to climb onto his back. Once there, he carried her off into the sea and on to Crete, where he raped her. Europa then became the first queen of Crete. The Romans adopted the myth but substituted their god Jupiter for Zeus.

It is claimed that Europa later stood for mainland Greece (recall Crete is an island off the SE corner of Greece) and then to lands north of Greece. Certainly, ‘Europa seated on a bull’ has been a motif in European art since Greco-Roman times, and in the eighth century Europa gained ecclesiastical usage under Charlemagne.

Today, Europe is called Europa in the German language and in most other Germanic languages (except English). The actual term ‘Europe’ is generally derived from the Greek ‘eurys’ (broad) and ‘ops’ (face), which is an allusion to ‘the broad face of the earth’. The strong Greek connection could be very significant in that Greece could be the country of origin of the final world dictator (see below).

Why is the Europa symbol (a woman on a beast) so widespread? Is it merely symbolising Europe or is there prophetic significance? Consider:

… and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns

Revelation 17:3

This prophecy refers to the end time world system, and a common interpretation is that the woman symbolises an ‘ecclesiastical Babylon’ and the beast symbolises a ‘political and commercial Babylon’. Revelation 17 describes the woman as ‘Babylon the Great’ whilst Rev 18 describes the fall of a commercial Babylon. In simplistic terms, a corrupt apostate church rides (and therefore by implication, controls) a corrupt and brutal political and commercial system. If Europa (Europe) really is a fulfilment of this prophecy then there must be other signs.

Europe’s Apostasy and Idolatry

The Woman on the Beast

The symbol of a woman riding a beast is now widespread, particularly in the EU. For example, it is seen (or has been seen): in the German Maritime Museum, on various Euro coins, on a German phone card, in a large painting in the EU Parliament building (Brussels), in a mural in the EU Parliament building in Strasbourg, as a sculpture outside the Council of Europe building in Brussels, and in Time Magazine (A United Europe)

Security features of the EU Europa series of banknotes show a portrait of Europa.

The myth Europa riding a bull
Europa and the Bull
European Union coin
Commemorative coin

These images show Europa and the Bull in the German Maritime Museum [Hannes GrobeCC BY-SA 2.5], and an EU commemorative coin showing Europa and the bull.

The Flag

Do we see an ‘ecclesiastical Babylon’ in Europe? The European Union (EU) flag comprises 12 golden stars on a blue background. Officially it is claimed that the circle of 12 stars represents ‘solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe’, the number 12 denoting ‘perfection, completeness and unity’ (in the Bible, 12 denotes ‘governmental perfection’).

EU flag
EU Flag

An alternative explanation is that the flag was inspired by the halo of 12 stars around Catholic pictures of the Madonna and is an interpretation of Revelation 12:1. The Catholic Church claims that the woman in Revelation represents the Virgin Mary or ‘Mother of God’. In reality, Revelation 12:1 actually refers to the woman ‘Israel’ and the 12 tribes of Israel.

The European Union flag could therefore have strong Roman Catholic significance and the ‘ecclesiastical Babylon’ could be be Vatican centred. The Bible supports this idea. For example, Revelation 17:9 says that the woman sits on ‘seven mountains’ (ancient Rome was built on seven hills) and is clothed in purple and scarlet (Cardinals dress in scarlet or red and Bishops dress in purple).

The Apostate Church Connection

In what sense is the woman riding the beast? It interesting that the Vatican is recognised at the UN as a sovereign state and the Pope has full rights as head of state to address the UN General Assembly. The Vatican can therefore influence debate at the highest level. Also, the Vatican has diplomatic relations with many nations and affects the laws of these nations.

Revelation 17:5 describes the woman as ‘mother of harlots’. In the spiritual sense a harlot is one who commits spiritual fornication i.e. a church which leaves fundamental biblical teaching and compromises with the world. The Vatican has done this through interfaith meetings, where ‘God’ but not Jesus Christ is centre stage. This is a false church!

Chrislam is a prime example of such apostasy, where Christianity and Islam are merged.

the House of One

Today, Christians, Muslims and Jews are building a place where they can all worship (initially at least, in separate rooms). They want a building to combine a church, a synagogue and a mosque under one roof. It is called ‘House of One’.

Where? In Berlin! Moreover, the Vatican actively supports Chrislam.

The Babel Connection of the European Union

EU Parliament
EU Parliament, Strasbourg
European Union poster
Early EU Poster

Babylon originated as the city of Babel and quickly degenerated into idolatry. Babel is well known for its (unfinished) tower, Nimrod’s monument to the greatness of man rather than God. Today, the EU Parliament building in Strasbourg is modelled on this biblical structure, with a clear ‘unfinished’ appearance.

An early EU poster, known as ‘the construction site poster’, showed a painting of the partly constructed tower of Babel, with a crane in the background. It showed inverted stars above the tower (an inverted star is a witchcraft symbol) and the logo was ‘EUROPE: MANY TONGUES ONE VOICE’. This glorification of man and unification against God is precisely why God destroyed man’s efforts in Genesis 11. A repeat performance is prophesied at the end of the age.

The Pergamon Connection

European Union holds the Pergamon Altar
Pergamon Altar, Pergamon Museum, Berlin. Raimond Spekking /CC BY-SA 4.0Enlarge
The European Union
Ishtar Gate, Pergamon Museum, Berlin. Rictor NortonCreative Commons

Berlin’s Pergamon Museum exhibits ancient treasures such as the Pergamon Altar and Babylon’s Ishtar Gate. The museum’s objective is to exhibit major cultures such as those of Egypt, Mesopotamia (Babylon), Greece and Rome (note that these are the precise kingdoms seen by Daniel in his vision of the great statue – Daniel 2). The Pergamon Altar (built 2nd century BC) was dedicated to Zeus and the freeze under the altar represents the struggle of gods and giants. It was destroyed during the first century AD, but was excavated by German archaeologists in the late 1800’s and reconstructed in Berlin.

In 1913 German archaeologists found the Ishtar Gate and Processional Way in well preserved condition and began bringing the material back to Berlin. They were finally set up in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.

Satan’s Throne is in Berlin!

The fact that these archaeological treasures in the Pergamon Museum are now restored and idolised in Europe is significant. In Roman times Pergamum (Pergamon), located in Western Turkey, was the centre of the imperial religion, and Christ saw it as the seat of the power of evil i.e. Satan’s throne (Rev 2:13). This is because the God-given power of the State had been harnessed to the blasphemous worship of man (the emperor), and those not loyal to the State were executed (Rev 2:13). So a building central to Satan’s throne now stands virtually complete in Berlin! This monument came from a city where man not God was worshipped.

Also in the Pergamon Museum is the reconstructed Ishtar Gate. This was the gateway to go to the Temple of Ishtar in Babylon. When the Jews went into captivity they passed through this gate. It had pictures of 337 demons, the Babylonian snake-gods. Since 337 in Hebrew numerology means ‘Hell on Earth’, the Jews called this gate ‘The Gateway to Hell’.

Why are these biblically Satanic monuments now residing in Europe? Is it significant that the Lisbon Treaty (formerly the EU Constitution) omits reference to God or Christianity? Is Europe preparing the seat of the final world dictator in Revelation 13 – a man who will demand to be worshipped as God? An alternative and plausible view is that these Satanic artefacts will be reclaimed by Turkey to be re-sited at Pergamum, the biblical location of Satan’s throne (Rev 2:12-13).

The Satanic Root of the European Union

The Treaty of Rome was signed in March 1957 and its purpose was to set up the European Economic Community (EEC). Even after the advent of the EU in 1993, the Treaty of Rome still remained one of the EU’s core documents, and so many see the Treaty of Rome as the seedling of the EU.

But it is the location of the signing of the treaty that is of interest here. The location suggests the EU has sinister roots. It was signed in the Palazzo dei Conservatori (Palazzi di Campidoglio) on Capitoline Hill in Rome, Italy. Capitoline Hill is one of the Seven Hills of Rome and was the citadel of the earliest Romans, link. So this hill once housed the offices of the Roman Senator and of the Conservatori (his assistants). It also housed the Temple to Jupiter link and every year the Roman Senate held their first meeting in the Temple. Jupiter was the protector, the ‘Conservator’ of Rome. Moreover, Jupiter was the Roman successor to the Zeus and the altar to Zeus in Pergamos is described as Satan’s Throne (Rev 2:13).

So the Treaty of Rome, the seedling of the EU, was signed in the Palazzo which had been constructed in the Middle Ages on top of the Temple of Jupiter, a successor to Zeus. It was signed in a location linked to Satan’s throne!

The ‘Beast’ of the European Union

A Political Dictatorship, and 666

EU dictatorship

This video highlights the dictatorship and lack of democracy in the EU.

Do we see a ‘political and commercial Babylon’ in Europe? Today, the EU is very much a political system, although it lacks democracy. The EU Commission is an unelected body of people (one for each member country) appointed by national governments for 5 years. The Commission President has very significant power. It meets in secret and enjoys a substantial degree of independence in exercising its powers. It has the right to propose legislation, and it does not take instructions from any national EU government!

We need to build a United States of Europe with the Commission as government [Viviane Reding, EU Commission, January 2014]

This would give the EU Commission supremacy over national governments.

The EU Council (which is also unelected by EU citizens and meets in secret) is the EU’s main decision-making body i.e. it makes EU policy. The 2009 Lisbon Treaty created a permanent President of the EU Council, the stated objective being ‘to give the EU strategic leadership on the world stage’.

The EU Parliament (officially based in Strasbourg) is elected collectively by EU citizens but unlike national parliaments it does not have powers to initiate new laws; it can only accept, reject or put forward amendments to laws proposed by the Commission. According to the 2009 Lisbon Treaty, the maximum number of members (MEPs) or seats in the European Parliament is 751, although the actual number fluctuates.

With such a large number of MEPs, the Parliament claims to be the second largest democratic electorate in the world (after India). But if the European Parliament cannot initiate laws, isn’t this a phoney democracy? Some have even claimed that seat number 666 is vacant – implying pending dictatorship! That said, the seating plan as of 2020 placed Kim Van Sparrentak (Netherlands) at seat 666, link.

Essentially then, the unelected EU Commission proposes new laws, and the Parliament and Council adopt them. The laws come down to member states as directives and they are helpless to amend or reject them. Directives must be incorporated into Member State law. To many, a political system which behaves in this way is a dictatorship! Read more at EU truths.

EU law is enforced by the European Police Office (Europol) – the EU criminal intelligence agency. Europol is nationally invasive, spanning all 27 member states. For example, under EU law (Corpus Juris) an EU citizen can be arrested and imprisoned without anyone having to produce evidence against them, whilst EU protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol employees gives them immunity from prosecution. Europol has unfettered access to political affiliation, routine, places frequented, DNA, tax obligations, voiceprints, and sexual preference of individuals for purposes of collecting criminal information. The EU is also developing its own army (initially 60,000 strong), independent of NATO.

Given what is essentially an EU political dictatorship with several powerful Presidents, an increasingly invasive EU police force, and a fledgling EU army, we might ask if these are the seeds of the end time dictatorship prophesied in Revelation 13?

A Commercial Babylon

What about the commercial aspects? Babylon was a city of glory and splendour, and was the chief commercial city of the Tigris-Euphrates region. The end time Babylon has similar commercial ambitions. The EU’s common trade policy operates at two levels. Firstly, within the World Trade Organisation (WTO), it is actively involved in setting the rules for the multilateral system of global trade (as such it is one of the key players in the WTO).

Secondly, the EU negotiates its own bilateral trade agreements with countries or regional groups of countries. For example, the EU and America are each other’s main trading partners. In 2019 the EU exports to the USA were 384 billion euros and the EU imports from the USA were 232 billion euros, link. They are the largest players in global trade and together account for about half of world GDP. Also, the EU is India’s largest trading partner and China is the EU’s second largest trading partner after the US. With 27 member states the EU is now China’s largest export market. Clearly, the EU is rivalling America in terms of trade and may well be the leader of the commercial Babylon seen in Revelation 18.

The European Union – A Revived Roman Empire?

So is the European Union part of the end time scenario prophesied in the Bible? Is it even the leader of this end time World Government? Is it the ‘Revived Roman Empire’ seen by many in Bible prophecy? The concept of a revived Roman Empire dates back to Charlemagne (crowned emperor by the Pope in 800). His ideal was a unified Christian empire. Let’s consider some facts:

  • the Catholic undertones of the EU flag
  • the common ‘Europa and the bull’ symbol and its high correlation with Revelation 17
  • the early Babel poster with witchcraft symbols
  • the the ‘unfinished Babel-like’ EU Parliament building in Strasbourg
  • the Lisbon Treaty omits reference to God or Christianity
  • the international political role of the Vatican correlates with the apostate, controlling church in Rev 17
  • the emphasis on ancient cultures (godless world kingdoms), especially that of Pergamon (Satan’s seat)
  • the emerging EU superstate which appears more like a dictatorship than a democracy
  • the undemocratic Corpus Juris legal system
  • the emerging police state, which correlates well with the ‘crushing’ nature of the final world empire (Dan 2.40)
  • the emerging EU army, independent of NATO
  • the EU trading capability that is rivalling that of America

The Destiny of the European Union

Bible prophecy describes just four world empires that dominate Israel before Christ returns. These are symbolised by parts of a great statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan 2:31-35). The legs and feet of the statue symbolise the historic Roman Empire, but also an end-time Revived Roman Empire. From the foregoing discussion, there are strong indications that the EU is at least the forerunner of this final world empire or government.

The good news is that, as the Revived Roman Empire is being set up, God sets up another, everlasting kingdom that will replace it! In fact, this kingdom will utterly crush the final world empire:

In the days of those kings (days of the final world government) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom … (that will) crush and put an end to all these kingdoms …

Daniel 2:44

This ‘crushing’ is graphically described in Daniel 2. The Revived Roman Empire is symbolised by the feet of iron and clay of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue and it is crushed when Christ strikes the image on its feet (Dan 2:34). So, on this prophetic interpretation, the EU and any subsequent form it might take, will be utterly destroyed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

For an interesting inquiry into the future, see 2276CE: The Future is Calling by Harry Laine.


A New World Order or World Government is rapidly emerging. It is possible that the leader of this end time system, the coming ‘man of lawlessness’ (2 Thes 2:3), could arise from a region spanned by the historic Roman Empire, specifically south-east Europe or the northern Middle East (Greece – Turkey – Syria – Iraq) – see World Government.

And the above study suggests that, if not in the Middle East, then Europe, even Germany, could be the seat of his power! The essential key is the Babylon-Nimrod connection (Nimrod was the first anti-God leader). You can investigate this further by downloading the total end time scenario at The Last Years of this Age.

Whatever your viewpoint on the EU, the Bible says there are Steps You Must Take. It warns that you must give your life to Christ and not to the coming World Government!


  1. Jill Milard Jill Milard 20/10/2023

    This nonsense about the Catholic Church – which I remind you was set up by Jesus on Peter ‘The Rock’ of the Catholic Church from Christianity’s beginning traceable to now – is ridiculous and needs to stop as it is distracting from the real beasts. The Catholic Church absolutely believes in Jesus as the Son of God and the bible far more strongly than any other faction but a lot of breakaway Christian religions want the Catholics to be wrong because otherwise THEY are obviously in error. This does not mean everyone in the Catholic Church is brilliant but I’m sure God is more than big enough to deal with anyone doing wrong/in error whatever church they are committed to. It is also based on false teachings from an American prophesier. Have some sense people ! God set up the Catholic Church in the bible. I’m pretty sure he didn’t do that so it could all go wrong later. Anything run by humans is capable of wrongness. Anything set up by God probably not. Grow up and realise the Roman Empire is far more likely to be the EU which encompasses most if not all of the Roman (not Christian at the time by the way) and Holy Roman Empires (run by a king not the papacy) of the past.
    [ Jesus is our high priest before God (Heb 10:19-21). Believers do not need a human priest as our interface to the Father. The godless EU is probably the Revived Holy Roman Empire seen in Daniel 7 and Revelation 17/18, and is strongly influenced by the political arm of the RC. Ed.]

    • Scooter Scooter 13/11/2024

      Then why is the Vatican grounds built to resemble a pregnant snake, alongside the Pope’s Audience Hall also built to resemble a snake? Is it because Genesis 1 says the Elohiym created their creatures in “OUR” image, with the “Elohiym” NOT being “the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?” And, why is the altar inside the Vatican built to resemble a dead sheep, the male and female reproductive systems and a giant insect harvesting sperm which the Angels have melted into? I’ll tell you why. Because that’s the truth of this system. It’s an Angel trap for Rev 9:11! The Catholic church is in on it and is why they worship the virgin – parthenogenesis.

  2. Dale Casselman Dale Casselman 29/06/2021

    As the church is raptured this coming Feast of Trumpets, after the last trump, the Restrainer living in these saints will be taken away with them, making way for the man of lawlessness to be revealed. Once the church is gone, you will know that you are in the time of Jacob’s Trouble, Daniel’s 70th week, Tribulation.
    At that point the only way to be saved is by dying for you faith in Christ. Your head will be lopped off. These are called the Tribulation Saints.
    Call out to Christ Jesus now for salvation, and you will be spared the wrath of God to come upon the entire Earth

  3. Harry Laine Harry Laine 24/04/2021

    There is certainly more to this conspiracy theory than meets the eye. The big boys have a plan–a 500 year plan: 1776+500=2276CE. And that the very year of the inauguration of their New Order. And the midpoint of their plan is just 5 years away in 2026, the year the USA celebrates 250 years of sovereignty. See the book titled 2276CE: The Future is Calling (2020)

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