Is Britain coming under Judgement?
In fact, is God already judging the UK?
Download Britain in Danger for a detailed analysis. More at God Judges Nations

Since the middle of the 20th century, Britain’s government, media, and vocal minorities have deliberately and consistently rejected the God of the Bible. The people were led away from biblical truth and morality as Britain’s laws and culture were gradually usurped by humanistic laws from Europe, particularly ‘Equality Law’. And the media is responsible for promoting anti-God themes (see Section 3.7 below). Has this angered God? As with ancient Israel, will the people suffer because of their degenerate leaders?
The leaders of this people cause them to err, and those who are led by them are destroyed
Isaiah 9:16
This article examines some of the key actions of Britain over the centuries (both ‘good’ and ‘bad’) and asks ‘Has the UK now come to the point where it is seriously in danger of God’s judgement?’ What has Britain done that has angered God? In fact, is there evidence that God is already judging the UK? Finally it asks “What should the church do?”
The article is well-summarised by a prophetic warning to Britain: Lance Lambert, August 6, 2011.
God is Watching
Do you feel something is wrong with Britain? Has Britain changed for the worse over the years but you can’t quite explain why? Is Britain on the ropes? If so, is there a way back? According to the Bible, God is always looking at individual nations and He warns the rebellious ones:
His eyes observe the nations; do not let the rebellious exalt themselves
Psalm 66:7
So let’s assume that God has had His eye on the British nation (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) over the centuries, and still has. How has Britain performed in His sight? And what does God think of Britain today?
1. Britain has done some good deeds!
Looking back over the last millennium we could highlight some historical events that surely must have pleased God. These events, driven by Kings, government or inspired individuals seemed to align with what might be perceived as God’s Will. Let’s list a few examples:
1.1 Magna Carta (1215 AD)
This turned out to be a cornerstone of liberty, influencing the constitutions of much of the civilized world, including the USA, Japan, Germany and many Commonwealth countries, link. Today in law it still defends the freedom and rights of the English church, and the freedom and rights of an individual. From here British Common Law evolved into the cherished system of Habeas Corpus and trial by jury. We recall that God loves justice and the right treatment of individuals.
1.2 Bible Translation and the Protestant Reformation
John Wycliffe and later William Tyndale (both Englishmen) translated the Bible into English. So from around 1525 AD the scriptures were made public for wide readership – which must have pleased God. Later Bible versions were then used to generate the King James Bible in 1611 AD, a version that lasted through the 20th century.
The English Church was separated from the Papacy in 1534 AD and subsequently the Church of England became Protestant. The Protestant Reformers removed doctrinal error and malpractice and emphasized scripture alone, salvation by grace alone, salvation by faith alone, all done through Christ alone, and all for the glory of God alone. Such return to biblical truth must also have pleased God.
1.3 Britain helps the Jews
Why is this important? What have the Jews (or Israel) to do with Britain? Well, when God told Abraham that He was going to make him a great nation, He also said:
And I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you
Genesis 12:3
So when Britain opened up her borders to Jews under Oliver Cromwell around 1656 AD this must have been good in God’s sight. Jews came to England in increasing numbers, and for the most part Britain’s Jews have been well-treated ever since. Many served in Parliament, and English Jews were strong supporters of the Zionist movement which resettled Jews in Israel.
In November 1917 A.J. Balfour (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, British Foreign Office) stated:
His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people
A few years later the League of Nations gave Britain the Mandate to see this homeland implemented (the Palestine Mandate). Many prophecies state that God’s people Israel will once again be established in their own land before Christ returns e.g. Ezek 37:21 and Isa 11:12 and Britain seemed to be one of God’s chosen agents to do this.
In December 1917 the Battle of Jerusalem resulted in the city of Jerusalem falling to British forces led by General Allenby, an Englishman and a Christian. Prior to the fall of Jerusalem, Allenby had prayed and read his Bible, and it turned out that the Turks gave up the city without firing a shot. Many Christians take this event to be a fulfilment of Jesus’ prophecy in Luke 21:24, and see God using Britain to fulfil this prophecy (ending over 2,500 years of Gentile rule).
1.4 Britain’s Christian Awakening (1700’s)
During the agricultural and industrial revolution, the Wesley (1703-1791) and Whitefield (1714-1770) ministries, together with those of other preachers, ushered in a period of great spiritual revival and strength, the like of which had never been experienced in Britain before. John Wesley believed that he was specially ordered by God to bring about a revival, and his ministry was to spread the Gospel among the working classes who never went to church. Historians speak of this time as ‘the great work of grace’ that transformed England. Surely God was pleased with this?
1.5 Britain’s Missionary Work (1700 – 1900’s)
The beginning of the eighteenth century was an epoch in the history of Protestant missions, including much activity in Britain. From the 1730’s to the mid-20th century, Britain was one of the leaders in missionary activity, spawning many missionary organisations.

As a result, the word of God was spread to many nations, including Africa, China, India and South America. In particular, we must not forget Britain’s role in founding Christianity in America, when, in September 1620 one hundred Puritans (the ‘Pilgrim Fathers) boarded the ‘Mayflower’ at Plymouth bound for the New World. The Puritans later gave birth to the Baptists and the Congregationalists.
Again, many see God’s hand here, first in using Britain to translate the Bible into a common language (English), and then using Britain to spread the gospel throughout the world.
1.6 Britain’s 20th Century Revivals
In the first part of the 20th century, Britain experienced great spiritual revivals. It saw the Welsh Revival of 1904 under Evan Roberts, where some 500,000 were converted, the rise of the Pentecostal denominations (Elim and AOG) under George and Stephen Jeffreys, the preaching and healing ministry of Smith Wigglesworth, and the Hebridean Revival under Duncan Campbell’s ministry around 1950 (see video). These revivals saw many miraculous healings and hundreds of thousands brought to Christ. Undoubtedly these were moves of God across the nation.
2. A knock-on effect?
We have highlighted a few very significant events in Britain’s history which surely must have pleased God. They seem to be in accordance with God’s Will as we find it in the Bible. In fact, many see the hand of God in using Britain for His purposes. Was there a knock-on effect? If Britain really did please God, even to the point of being singled out to be used by God, did she receive a blessing from God as in Genesis 12:3? If Britain did ‘righteous’ things in God’s sight was she ‘exalted’ above other nations as in Proverbs 14:34?
Of course, we could highlight ‘bad’ events over the past millennium too, like the expulsion of all Jews from England in 1290 AD under Edward 1 (a law lasting some 365 years), and the persecution of Protestants under Bloody Mary. But just like sin in our own lives (we are not perfect) the fact remains that God still uses us and blesses us if we seek to do His Will.
Britain’s Blessings?
It is interesting that over this period Britain prospered in terms of influence and material wealth, culminating in the British Empire and the Industrial Revolution. The rights and wrongs of Empire can be debated, but the fact remains that Britain prospered over this period. At the height of the British Empire (c1800 – 1900) it was the largest empire in history and the foremost global power. By 1870 Britain was the most industrialised and the most powerful country in the world. Even as late as 1939 the Royal Navy was still the largest navy in the world. In terms of social structure, the Industrial Revolution witnessed the triumph of a middle class of industrialists and businessmen over a landed class of nobility and gentry, and ordinary working people found opportunities for employment increased opportunities for employment. It is interesting that the average income began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth!
Decline: Like all empires it didn’t last and the last significant British colony, Hong Kong, was returned to Chinese sovereignty in 1997. By then, virtually nothing remained of the empire (although the Commonwealth remained).
3. Britain has also done some bad deeds!
Will this bring Britain under judgement? Our discussion so far has highlighted some very significant times in Britain’s history, up to say mid-20th century, when Britain seemed to be ‘a good boy’ in God’s sight. And it is interesting that Britain prospered and became a great nation. But an examination of Britain’s actions in later years paints a less glorious picture. Consider the following.
3.1 Atrocities from British ‘Redcoats’
Scotland 1746: From 1725 onwards, garrisons manned by English army or ‘redcoats’ sprung up all over the Scottish Highlands, notably Fort William and Inverness. These were to suppress Scottish opposition to the King and to remind the highland clans that they were subject to English rule. The final and bloodiest rebellion culminated in the slaughter at Culloden in 1746. The Jacobites were almost annihilated by the Redcoats.
Ireland 1798: English troops defeat Irish rebels at the Battle of Vinegar Hill, putting an effective end to the 1798 rebellion. Between 15-20,000 English under the command of General Lake surrounded the rebels before shelling them and attacking with cavalry.
America 1777: on the evening of September 20, 1777, near Paoli, Pennsylvania, nearly 5,000 British Redcoats launched a surprise attack on a small regiment of Patriot troops commanded by General Anthony Wayne in what becomes known as the Paoli Massacre. The Paoli Massacre became a rallying cry for the Americans against British atrocities for the rest of the Revolutionary War.
Will God overlook Britain’s abuse of power under the British Empire?
3.2 Britain fails Israel
Unfortunately, Britain failed its Palestinian Mandate responsibility. Between 1922 and 1948 she illegally traded land mandated for the Jewish homeland; she proposed partitioning the remaining land; and most significantly she severely restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine when Jews were fleeing Nazi Europe. Currently the British government takes an anti-Israel stance, notably by pressurizing Israel to make peace with a coalition that states it wants to obliterate Israel.
How serious is such action against Israel? Very serious if we take God’s promise to Abraham seriously:
… the one (individual or nation) who curses you I will curse
Genesis 12:3
3.3 Britain’s Moral Decline
Britain introduced the Contraceptive Pill in 1961 and this is now the most commonly used contraceptive in the UK. Clearly, there are advantages to the Pill in terms of family planning. But the downside is that it encourages widespread promiscuity (sexual immorality) – the number of pre-teenage girls on the Pill has increased fivefold in the past decade. Promiscuity leads to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and despite all the advice, STIs among young people are still increasing . It also undermines parental authority: GPs are allowed to prescribe the Pill to children if they believe an underage girl is mature enough to have sex, and parents have no legal right to be told if their children are being given the Pill. Fornication and disrespect for parents both clash with biblical moral and ethical teaching; yet UK law facilitates both!
Abortion: The 1967 Abortion Act legalised abortion under certain conditions. The total number of abortions in England and Wales is currently about 200,000 a year. The vast majority of these are carried out under ‘Category C’ which is effectively for social reasons rather than to save the mother’s life – for example if a pregnant woman does not wish to change her lifestyle by remaining pregnant. In 2008 some 98% of abortions in England and Wales were carried out under category C. The Bible is quite clear on the unborn: the unborn is a person known to God (Jer 1:5) – he or she is not a nameless ‘foetus’. And God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Prov 6:17).
Marriage: The situation with marriage is no better. Liberalization of divorce law saw a rapid increase in the number of UK divorces around 1971 (it more than doubled). Britain currently now has one of the highest divorce rates in the world and nearly half of all marriages in England and Wales end in divorce (Office for National Statistics). According to the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), “never in Britain’s history has family breakdown hit such heights”. So liberalisation of divorce law, and social trends e.g. cohabitation are having a very serious effect on the nation. And what does God say?
I hate divorce
Malachi 2:16
The homosexual debate is on-going. Since the 1960’s the UK has progressively legalised private homosexual acts between consenting adults, culminating in anti-discrimination legislation in the Equality Act 2010. A serious effect of such legislation is that UK Christians find it increasingly difficult to express their faith and sexual ethics in the workplace. It also encourages public bodies like the UK Gay Police Association to participate in uniform at Gay Pride Marches, and it encouraged the UK government to scrap the legal definition of marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman in the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013.
Whilst the liberal church may welcome such moves, many Christians see Britain’s new equality laws to be in direct conflict with biblical teaching; they are effectively calling evil good and good evil when they sanction deliberate homosexual acts and endorse same-sex marriage:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
Isaiah 5:20
3.4 Britain looks to Europe
In 1946, just after the carnage of WWII in Europe, Winston Churchill said:
We must build a kind of United States of Europe. In this way only will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living
Speech to the Academic Youth, Zürich, Switzerland, 1946
Some claim that Churchill meant Britain to be more of an on-looker to Europe rather than a fully paid up member! More to the point, was he right? Isn’t the joy and hope in life to be found in Christ rather than in a man-made institution? Which way should we look, to man or to God? Recall what the Bible says:
Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind … Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord
Jeremiah 17:5,7
It turned out that the European nations looked to man, and the EU (a super state which elected to omit the term ‘God’ in Treaty revisions) finally came into being via the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. A very significant downside is that the Common Law of England, which has Judaeo-Christian roots, is gradually being replaced by humanistic law from Europe. For example, EU Directives on Equality Law are now incorporated into the UK Equality Act 2010. Will Britain return to her Judaeo-Christian roots now she is out of the EU?
3.5 Multifaith Britain
Britain now has many faiths and related communities e.g. Baha’i; Buddhist; Christian; Hindu; Jain; Jewish; Muslim; Sikh; and Zoroastrian communities. It is good to meet people of other cultures. So what’s the problem? For at least 1,000 years Britain has had a Judaeo-Christian culture which laid the foundations of democracy, led to the translation of God’s word into the common tongue, spread this word across the world, and supported (at least initially) the concept of a Jewish homeland. Even up to mid-20th century Britain’s spiritual outlook was essentially Christian.
Church Attendance: But since the mid-20th century Britain has seen a downward trend in church attendance. Over the period 2008-2017 weekly church attendance was just 8% in the UK compared 17% in Australia and 36% in the US [Pew Research Centre, 2018]. It is true that since 1980 there has been strong growth in some denominations, namely the Orthodox Church and especially the Pentecostal Church and other Free Churches boosted by ethnic minorities. But overall, UK church attendance is still declining.
Other Faiths: In contrast, Islam has seen rapid growth: in 1961 there were just 7 mosques, rising to over 1,800 mosques in 2017, link. According to the Office for National Statistics, the UK Muslim population is now growing some ten times faster than the rest of society. In 1961 there was just one Hindu temple in England and Wales, compared to 189 in 2015, link. The first Shikharbandhi (Jain) Temple to be built on virgin land in Europe was consecrated in August 2005 at Potters Bar, near London.
Why should this be a problem for Britain? Isn’t it good to have a diversity of faiths? What does the Bible say?
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD
Psalm 34:12
Here, ‘LORD’ is a translation from the Hebrew YHWH, pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah and refers to the special or proper name of God. This is not referring to the Allah of Islam or to the ‘Supreme Reality’ (Brahman) of Hinduism or to the god of Pantheism. It is a reference to the God of Israel, the God of the Bible. By openly embracing other faiths, and falling away from the Christian faith, Britain has broken the first commandment:
You shall have no other God’s before Me
Exodus 20:3
3.6 Britain Teaches Her Children Error
Are Britain’s young being fed lies?
Relative Morality: Today’s Britain holds fast to ‘moral relativism’, namely,
Morals are relative to culture and society – so all morals are equally valid; homosexual activity is as acceptable as heterosexual activity; the absolute morality of the Bible is outdated
So we hear Nick Clegg stating that all faith schools in the United Kingdom should be legally obliged to teach children that homosexuality is normal and David Cameron apologising for Section 28, the legislation which banned the promotion of homosexuality in schools. And we find a government-funded initiative saying that in state-funded schools children as young as five should learn about gay relationships and boys should be allowed to express their feminine sides by dressing in frocks!
Sexualisation of Children: Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) became mandatory in schools in 2020. “This was a great step forward in the fight for equality, marking a significant change in the way children and young people are taught about LGBT relationships and identities” []. Here is the danger. As the Christian Institute explains:
There are good things that can be taught under the new arrangements but at a time when there is growing alarm at the sexualisation of children the changes also provide an opportunity for campaign groups opposed to Christian teaching to push forward their controversial agendas in schools. RSE will mean teaching young children about “different types” of relationships, which could include homosexuality, transgenderism and same-sex marriage.
Religious Pluralism: Where is the Truth? Pluralism maintains that all religions are equally valid ways to God. In the name of ‘tolerance’ it says “your way through Jesus is true”, and “my way through meditation is true”. So Christianity is only offered as one alternative way to God, and not ‘the only way to God’ as in John 14:6. This ethic is in marked contrast to that of Britain’s great reformers, like Wesley.
Is Evolution really a Fact? What about the origin of man? Today Britain maintains “macro-evolution is scientific fact” and ridicules the biblical creation account. But Darwinian macro-evolution (involving transitions between distinct species) is far from established as a fact, link, and there is considerable scientific support for the accuracy of the biblical account of creation (see Young Earth Science). To rule out a balanced teaching of both is unscientific. But the real problem lies in the underlying atheistic thesis that we are here by chance and it didn’t need a Creator God! Clearly, the teaching of evolutionary science without reference to creation science (which gives significant scientific support to creationism) undermines the authority of the Bible in the eyes of British children. In fact, take away the concept of creation, and the rest of the Bible becomes meaningless.
The UK Department for Education now effectively bars the teaching of creationism in science classes. Funding can be withdrawn for any free school that teaches “evidence-based views or theories” that run contrary to (so-called) established scientific evidence. As the Bible says,
Truth is fallen in the street
Isaiah 59:14
3.7 Britain’s Politically Correct Leaders
A nation follows its leaders, be they monarchs, spiritual leaders, inspired individuals, or government. And good and bad leaders have good and bad effects upon their nation. This pattern is clearly seen in the case of Old Testament Judah: King Hezekiah ‘clung to the Lord’ and Judah prospered (2 Kings 18:1-8), whilst King Manasseh ‘seduced the people to do evil’ in the sight of the Lord and ‘brought calamity on Jerusalem and Judah’ (2 Kings 21:1-16). This pattern is repeated throughout the OT. In short, righteous authority prospers a nation; unrighteousness authority destroys a nation (Prov 29:2).
So what about Britain’s leaders today? Sadly they don’t point the nation to the God of the Bible. In fact they deliberately back away from doing this. When Tony Blair was asked by the Rev. Ian Paisley to issue a call for a national day of prayer, he replied:
I am sure that the nation will pray in its own way for what the hon. Gentleman says. I do not know whether it is right for Government to impose that …
And when Tony Blair was asked in an interview about his Christian faith, he was interrupted by his spin-doctor Alistair Campbell (an atheist) who said: ‘I’m sorry, we don’t do God.’ Surely, a government that does not ‘do’ God is missing something fundamental?
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, demonstrates political correctness when he treads the interfaith path without stressing that Christ is the one and only way to God. For example, to endorse Jainism is to endorse a faith that rejects the idea of a Creator God! Sadly, with government help, the Queen has also fallen into the politically correct chasm. In 2010 the Queen (barefoot and with covered head) visited the largest mosque in Abu Dhabi as part of a state visit to the UAE. Here we have the defender of the Christian faith showing respect to Muslims by visiting a national Islamic shrine. So why does the British Foreign Office not allow the Queen to show respect to the Jews through a state visit to Israel?
It seems that in order to appease all faiths and not to cause offense, Britain’s leaders shy away from upholding Christianity as unique amongst faiths. They no longer point the nation to the uniqueness of the God of Israel. This is a sad indictment on them and on Britain’s political correctness and godlessness.
At every election most people vote for what they hope will lead to a fairer and more prosperous society. Invariably the arguments look to improving our physical well-being and range from food banks to the NHS. This is good, but Jesus said there is more to our lives:
It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.’ (Matthew 4 verse 4)
There are two elements here: Good politics attempts to provide “the bread”, but how many of our politicians look to the word of God in the Bible? How can Britain be blessed if she ignores God’s instructions for life?
3.8 Britain honours Paganism
The closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London was broadcast to the world. It could have reflected the Christian heritage of the nation and glorified God. Instead it carried a strong occult theme and glorified Satan. It embraced the concepts of wizards, elves, ghosts, the new world order, heaven and hell, money, death, the sea goddess, Lucifer and the phoenix bird. The phoenix is an Egyptian symbol of rebirth and immortality. Some of the lyrics invoked the spirit world:
I call upon the spirit of Autumn. The spirit of water, of the ebb and flow of emotion; of open seas and running streams, of cleansing rain; spirit of the evening sun, of twilight and of Autumn … I call upon the spirit of Winter. The spirit of earth, of the womb of creation; of the night and the snows of winter, deep roots and ancient stones.
How does the God of Israel, the one true holy and righteous God respond to such defiance?
4. Britain on the Ropes? Britain under Judgement?
We have presented a brief review of the spiritual activity and status of Britain over the ages. For a more detailed analysis download Britain in Danger. Undoubtedly Britain’s spiritual state has ebbed and flowed when we look at detail, but can we see a spiritual trend?
Consider the 1,000 year period up to the start of 20th century. Britain seemed to be used by God in some very significant ways. Britain opened up the Bible to the common man, enthusiastically spread the Gospel at home and abroad, generally supported the Jews, and developed a democracy (Common Law) with Judeo-Christian roots that became the envy of nations. But around the mid-20th century it seems that Britain made determined moves away from these things and away from the Will of God and His word. Britain failed to support Israel, started looking to humanistic government (Europe), relaxed laws on sexuality, abortion and divorce, embraced other faiths and their gods, failed to uphold Christianity as unique amongst faiths and abandoned biblical creation for Darwinian evolution. And, overall, the British people walked away from Christianity.
This spiritual and moral decline was accompanied by economic decline, and the decline of the British Empire. Undoubtedly, between 1870 and the end of the 20th century, Britain saw a significant rise in living standards. But from the late 19th century onwards Britain experienced a relative economic decline when compared to the world’s other leading economies. In 1870, Britain’s output per head was the second highest in the world after Australia. By 1914, it was fourth highest, having been overtaken. In 1950, British output per head was still 30 per cent ahead of the six founder members of the EEC, but within 50 years it had been overtaken by many European and several Asian countries.
UK National Debt
Each year Britain has a budget deficit and so has to sell bonds (gilts) to investors to plug the gap. These bonds have to be repaid, so each year Britain builds up her National Debt (also known as Public Debt or Government Debt). This is the amount government owes to national and foreign investors (creditors). Between 2008 and 2018, Government Debt to GDP nearly doubled from 44% to 82%, and in 2020 headed for 100% due to Covid-19.
Britain’s public debt is larger than the size of the country’s economy for the first time since 1963, 2020
Put in absolute terms, the UK government public sector net debt (PSDN) was £1100 billion in 2010 but rose to over £2000 billion in 2020.
Public sector net debt at the end of May 2023 was £2,567.2 billion and provisionally estimated at 100.1% of GDP [Office for National Statistics].
Not surprisingly, the UK’s Credit Rating has been steadily decreasing from 2015 [Trading Economics, 2020]. A decreasing credit rating makes it more difficult for Britain to get a loan or credit with a good interest rate. Like the Credit Rating, the Debt-GDP Ratio is used by investors to assess the UK’s ability to make future debt repayments, and so affects the UK’s borrowing costs. So today, Britain’s National Debt is a ticking bomb!
Recall the above prophecy over Britain [Lance Lambert, August 2011]. Since Britain’s leaders have rejected biblical statutes, God says:
… I will destroy the vestiges of her greatness; I will return her to her first estate. I will wreck her economy, destabilise her in every way …
Despite this analysis, you may still feel that there is nothing much wrong with Britain. You may still feel that Britain is not on the spiritual and economic ropes. You might point out that Britain still ranks about 5th in the world in terms of GDP, people still have good living standards compared to previous centuries, we are still holding on to a form of Judaeo-Christian democracy, and Christianity still seems (at least some of Britain’s churches are thriving, namely the Orthodox Church and the Pentecostal Church and there is much Christian activity at ‘street level’).
But how does God see it?
5. Has Britain Angered God – bringing Britain under Judgement?
Surely a nation must be in danger of angering God if it flouts God’s Will as revealed in the Bible? Israel angered God by pursuing ‘wicked ways’ (2 Chron 7:14)(Dan 9:5) and by ‘doing evil’ in God’s sight (Jer 18:8,10). Let’s summarise how Britain might be angering God by pursuing ‘wicked ways’:
- Britain does not ‘seek the Lord’, the God of Israel (Zeph 2.3), or ‘seek the truth’ (Jer 5.1) as found in the Bible. e.g. declining church attendance (just 6% of the population).
- Britain goes after other ‘gods’ and worships ‘idols’ (Jer 19.4,5)(Deut 7.25,26) e.g. the rapid growth of Islamic mosques and Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Jain temples across Britain.
- Britain targets believers in Christ (Mat 10.17-20)(Mat 5.11) e.g. Christians offering a public service, as in the social services.
- Britain is rebellious (Zeph 3.1)(Ps 2.1-3) e.g. the police openly support gay marches and some councils wish to abolish Christmas.
- Britain’s secular leaders, those in positions of power, are reckless, arrogant and dishonest (Dan 9.8)(Ezek 22.27)(Zeph 3.3) e.g. reckless bankers, dishonest MPs and the quiet devolution of Britain’s laws to the EU.
- Britain’s religious leaders fall into error (Zeph 3.4)(Hos 9.7) e.g. the political correctness of Britain’s Christian church leaders who no longer hold up Christianity as unique amongst faiths.
- Britain teaches its children error (Mat 18.6,7) e.g. Godless macro-evolution is claimed to be ‘proved beyond all doubt’ and the biblical account of creation is taught as myth.
- Britain hinders or oppresses God’s chosen people Israel (so going against Gen 12.3) e.g. the hindrance to Jewish immigration in the 1940’s and the continued anti-Israel stance of the British government.
- Britain kills the unborn that are already known to God as people (Jer 1.5) e.g. Britain aborts some 200,000 babies each year.
- Britain views divorce as ‘acceptable’, rather than as the exception (Mat 19.1-9). Britain now has one of the highest divorce rates in the world.
- Britain glorified paganism in the 2012 London Olympics, especially in the closing ceremony.
- Britain (England and Wales) legalised same-sex marriage in 2013. The UK government now defies the biblical concept of marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman (Gen 2.24).
Many will still dispute the idea that Britain has greatly angered God, claiming that Britain remains essentially a Christian nation, with a strong Christian witness trying to do God’s Will e.g. Britain’s new laws minimise discrimination and Britain helps poor nations with overseas aid. But suppose they are wrong and Britain really has angered God over recent years by deliberately going against biblical injunctions? What might happen?
In Deuteronomy 28 we read how God would deal with the nation Israel if they were disobedient to Him; a catalogue of disasters would be inflicted upon Israel until they were destroyed. It is reasonable to suppose that many of the disasters (curses) detailed in Deuteronomy 28 could well be applied in some form (maybe as warnings) to present-day rebellious nations like Britain. For instance, based upon Deuteronomy 28, Britain might expect to experience problems similar to the following:
- problems in the city e.g. economic problems (v16)
- problems in the country e.g. cattle and land produce problems (v16, 18, 31)
- drought (v24)
- food shortages (v38)
- severe personal health problems, extending to widespread plague (v22, 35)
- suffering sons and daughters (v32, 41)
- suffering elderly (v50)
- problems with marriage (v30)
- confusion of mind and heart, leading to mental instability (v28)
- occupation and dominance by an alien culture, forced worship of foreign gods (v36, 43)
- financial subservience to the alien culture, being the tail rather than the head (v43, 44)
- crushing and oppression – like a yoke of iron – from foreigners (v33, 48)
- insignificance amongst the nations, a byword (v37)
A detailed discussion on whether Britain is currently experiencing similar judgements can be found at Britain in Danger (pdf download).
6. What Can The Church Do About It?
For those who see Britain under judgement right now there is still hope. Recall God’s promise to secular (gentile or heathen) nations:
The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it ( Jeremiah 18:7-8 )
It is clear from this verse that avoidance of national disaster and the healing of a nation is possible. So there is hope for Britain and there are signs of Christians waking up and getting onto the streets with Christ’s love. Some churches are growing and some Christian organisations are standing in the breach and campaigning against bad law and godless activity in Britain (Christian Concern , Barnabas Fund , Christian Voice , Care , Evangelical Alliance and others). Britain needs Christians to be salt and light in society, as in the days of Knox, Wesley, Wilberforce and Mary Whitehouse.
But note that Jeremiah 18:7-8 is conditional: a nation must first repent of evil ways. So perhaps most of all, Britain needs her intercessors – a faithful ‘remnant’ humbling themselves in prayer, seeking the Lord’s forgiveness and mercy for the failings of both Church and government, and praying for the Holy Spirit to turn the British people to repentance. This is particularly important for Britain’s children. For suggestions on how the church should intercede for Britain in prayer please see the last pages of Britain in Danger.
See also Godless Britain
Prayer, along with serious fasting, if done in one accord and on a massive scale by the people of God in a given nation, can and will release the hand of God to literally transform the whole nation [ C. Peter Wagner, ‘Praying with Power’ ]The prophecy about Britain at the top of this article should stimulate the church to intercede!
How could you have forgotten the slave trade and all the people who died as a result? What about all the Nigerian children starving in the Biafran war due to UK policies?
These sins have to be acknowledged before our Heavenly Father.
We are an arrogant, prosperous nation. Our Heavenly Father will be shaking the church and the nation (see recent floods in January 2024). Judgement begins with the church 1 Peter 4 v 17.
[ Thank you for your helpful comments. We will look into a revision of the text. Ed. ]
Your remark about Britain separating from the papacy is correct but it does not reveal that this was at the behest of Henry VIII who wished to divorce and remarry – which the papacy would not agree to – and that he repented of this on his deathbed and confessed to a catholic priest. The CofE is a church set up by an adulterous king and now headed by an adulterous king only interested in their own desires. So much for it being a good thing.
[Agreed. The CofE, like other institutionalised churches is rapidly going apostate e.g. blessing gay marriage. The true church is the Acts 2 type bible believing church. Ed.]
Your comment relates to England, but the nature of the Reformation in Scotland was entirely different.