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Bias Against Israel

Israel suffers clear bias from politicians, the media, the University campus, the institutionalized church, and citizens in general. We hear frequent comments like “the illegal occupation of Palestinian land”. But legal and historical facts show this to be untrue.

bias against Israel

MEDIA: There is worldwide mainstream media bias against Israel. Leading media, like the BBC, CNN, the Guardian and the New York Times often take an anti-Israel stance. CNN, the American satellite TV and Cable News Network has been awarded first prize for its biased reporting of atrocities in Israel. Sadly, the general public is influenced by all this and many join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement – a global campaign against Israel.

CHURCH: Even the World Council of Churches (WCC) takes a biased view of Israel. The institutionalized church (as embraced by the WCC) often takes a politically correct line and avoids conflict with secular thinking. So often the church leans towards Replacement Theology and the false concept of ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’. 

POLITICS: The UN probably leads the way here, with many more UN Resolutions against Israel than against other countries. Some 40% of UN Human Rights Council Resolutions have been against Israel alone. But at least one country acknowledges the political bias: the United States of America. In June 2018, US Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her country’s decision to pull out of the UN Human Rights Council, noting its “chronic bias against Israel”. A few in Britain have also spoken up for Israel. In a speech to the British House of Commons, Andrew Roberts MP argued for Israel’s right to self-defence and legitimacy:

Read Speech

The UN bias against Israel

It is prophesied that all nations will eventually abandon support for Israel. Today there is reducing public support for Israel even in America. In fact, all nations will eventually be gathered against her in war. This international bias is best seen in UN Resolutions:

The vast majority of critical resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly focus on Israel … from 2012 to 2015, the General Assembly adopted 97 resolutions criticizing countries … about 85% were against Israel. The General Assembly adopted 26 resolutions that criticised a country in 2016, of which 20 were directed at Israel. [Fact Check]

This is surprising since Israel is the only true democracy left in the Middle East. The United Nations has made the democratic State of Israel the target of incessant condemnation while neglecting its mandate in challenging the oppressive regimes around the world.

This video explains the source of the UN bias against Israel:

GENEVA, July 23, 2014: The Palestinian ambassador to the UNHRC, together with Iran, Syria, Egypt, Cuba and Venezuela try to silence UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer during a UN Emergency Session on Gaza. Neuer defends Israel’s right to resist Hamas aggression. The council voted 29 to 1 (USA), with 17 abstentions, to condemn Israel:

As the UN Special Rapporteur on the PA Territories, Richard Falk (Professor of International Law and Practice, Emeritus at Princeton University), compared Hamas terrorists to fighters with the French resistance during the Holocaust, link. Falk is co-author of a 2017 UN Report accusing Israel of being an “apartheid regime”, and he repeatedly condemns the Jewish State with calls for boycotts against the State of Israel, see Fred Skolnik.

Given such obvious bias, even the UN Secretary-General has admitted that there is unjustified bias against Israel:

Unfortunately, because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel has been weighed down by criticism and suffered from bias and sometimes even discrimination

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, August 2013

Read the Full Article on Bias Against Israel HERE

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