Key End Times Prophecies
Many of these are being fulfilled today
- Isaiah 24 (Isaiah’s ‘Little Apocalypse’) describes a world suffering from drought, extreme heat, torrential rain, and pollution. The environment is today’s hot topic
- Daniel 2 describes a great image comprising four empires (kingdoms) that would rule over Israel (Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman). The fourth kingdom appears to revive at the end of the age to be a short-lived but ruthless and controlling world government. It is brutal and controlling, like historic Rome. Daniel 7 expands upon this concept
- Daniel 9 describes the much-discussed ’70-week’ prophecy (1 week = seven 360-day years). Again this concerns Israel, but is also relevant to the whole world. It appears to describe a political-military-godless world dictator (verse 27) and this is supported in Revelation 13. To align with both historic events (the crucifixion of the Messiah) and with events in today’s world, it appears there is an unspecified time period between week 69 and week 70. In other words, week 70 is seen as still future, but on an historical scale, very close (more at Daniel’s Prophecies)
- Daniel 12 describes an end-time tribulation of the nation Israel, as also implied in Jeremiah 30 and Matthew 24. It also describes events in the world at the close of this age (verse 4). There will be a rapid expansion in knowledge and travel. This has occurred over the past 100 years
- Ezekiel 37 describes how God takes the sons of Israel from among the nations where they were scattered and brings them into their own land. At the same time the land itself becomes very fruitful (Isaiah 51). All this is seen today
- Ezekiel 38 and 39 describe an attack upon regathered Israel from the north. The invaders, Israel’s Islamic neighbours, probably headed by Russia, are defeated. The current political situation in the Middle East appears to align with this threat.
- Zechariah 14 (together with Revelation 16 and Revelation 19) describe another Middle East war, but this time involving all nations. It is unique in the sense that it is essentially a man-God war. Again, the invaders are defeated
- Matthew 24, Luke 17 and Luke 21 describe increasing world hatred of Jews and Christians, and false prophets leading many astray, followed by increasing distress of nations and cosmic disturbances. These prophecies also imply a miraculous removal of the true church (the rapture) before these end time events
- Revelation 1 describes the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. He comes with the clouds of heaven and everyone will see Him – even those who pierced Him. And all the nations of the world will mourn for Him
- Revelation 8 describes some of God’s judgment upon rebellious, godless nations. It suggests a huge asteroid impact in the sea, destroying many ships and much sea life. Other cosmic disturbances pollute drinking water
- Revelation 13 describes a purely digital i.e. cashless world-wide trading system requiring a personal ID on each individual
- Revelation 17 describes a controlling false church (mystery Babylon) working alongside a secular world government. The head of this church appears to be the expected Antichrist and imposes cashless trading upon the world
- Revelation 19 (together Daniel 2, Isaiah 66 and Zechariah 14) describe Christ’s destruction of the godless world government and her armies and the start of the Millennial age (the age following the present age) when all nations come to worship Christ the King at Jerusalem
These prophecies can be summarised as follows:
- increasing spiritual darkness across all nations
- increasing lawlessness
- increasing famines and plagues
- increasing persecution of Christians and Jews
- the return of the Jews to the land of Israel and the re-birth of Israel
- the sudden and miraculous removal of the true church from the earth – the ‘rapture‘
- a godless and ruthless world government with total control over individuals
- a false (apostate) world church which supports a secular world government
- a godless and blasphemous world dictator (the “beast”) who regards himself as God
- a form of AI image of the beast that speaks and causes people to be put to death
- a seven-year Peace Treaty with Israel, which this dictator breaks mid-term
- a purely electronic i.e. cashless trading system, with the insertion of an ‘ID’ on individuals
- a global and complete financial-economic crash (the fall of secular Babylon)
- an Islamic invasion of Israel, followed by an ‘all-nation’ invasion of Israel (Armageddon)
- God’s judgement upon nations: cataclysmic events such as extreme weather and severe earthquakes
- cosmic disturbances, including what appears to be an asteroid impact in the sea, destroying ships
- the destruction of the world government and her armies as Christ returns to rule from Jerusalem
Examples of End Times Prophecy being Fulfilled
See also Prophecy in the News
The following interpretation of end times prophecy is consistent with many scriptures and is compatible with current world events. The latter point is particularly important because other interpretations fail to accommodate current world events i.e. they cannot explain reality
Here are 20 examples of end times prophecy coming into view. No attempt is made to attach a time sequence to these prophecies, although at least half of these prophecies are being fulfilled today, before our eyes. The probability of this happening by chance is negligible. The scriptures appear to be inspired.
1. Worldwide Spiritual Darkness
darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people
Isaiah 60:2
Sadly, many ‘Christianised’ nations are steadily abandoning biblical truth. For example, absolute biblical truth on morality is being replaced by humanistic ‘equality’ legislation, link, the biblical concept of creation is treated as a myth whilst evolution is treated as fact, link, and the Church is seen as replacing the nation Israel (“Replacement Theology”).
Most institutionalised western churches are in decline and biblical faith is being replaced by eastern religions, or no faith at all. The west is being dominated by Satanic blackness – humanism, multiculturalism, relativism, evolutionism, religious pluralism and political correctness, link, link.
2. Worldwide Pollution
The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants
Isaiah 24:5
This has happened within the last 50 years. The world now suffers from chemical, nuclear, plastic and air pollution. Examples:
Chemical Pollution: the 1984 Bhopal disaster in India was the world’s worst chemical disaster. Today in Bhopal, more than 100,000 people remain chronically ill, link, and there are over 6,000 high-risk chemical sites across the U.S. link.
Nuclear Pollution: after 1986 an area some 80 km x 80 km around the Chernobyl nuclear plant became an exclusion zone due to soil pollution by Caesium 137. This was the world’s worst nuclear accident and was caused by human error, link. Large-scale Soviet nuclear tests, dumping of spent fuel and two scuttled nuclear-powered submarines are a major source of pollution in the Arctic ocean, link.
Contamination from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, link affected an area nearly as big as Cyprus and included some 6,500 villages. Water samples from the Western Pacific region show radioactive Caesium 137 and 134, as well as Strontium 90, link. Following UN approval, Japan will be releasing treated radioactive water into the ocean [, 2023].
Plastic Pollution: Plastics make up 80% of all marine debris, every day 8 million pieces of plastic find their way into the oceans, microplastics are now embedded deep in the Arctic and in municipal drinking water – yet – plastic production is forecast to grow by 60% by 2030, link. In 2015 China had the worst record for mismanaged plastic [Jambeck Science, 2015]. Microplastics find their way into food, water and air. It is estimated that each person on the planet consumes more than 50,000 plastic particles per year (excluding inhalation) [, 2023].
Air Pollution: Air pollution now kills more people than AIDS and malaria combined link. In 2013 air pollution in China reached crisis levels. In the city of Harbin, levels of PM2.5 (the fine air born particulate matter that poses a great risk to human health) reached 40 times the levels tolerated by the WHO, link. WHO data show that 99% of the global population now breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits [, 2023].

The NASA image shows the average global concentrations of tropospheric carbon monoxide during March 2013. It reached 300 parts per billion per volume (ppbv) over China. In the UK, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from 30 million vehicles is a major problem. Air pollution fatalities now exceed traffic fatalities 3:1 [Earth Policy Institute]. The view from space is becoming marred by smoke and dust [NASA]. Mercury pollution (from coal-fired power stations) is a huge threat to health [UN].
3. Knowledge and Travel Increase
But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase
Daniel 12:4
This is clearly an ‘end times prophecy’ and few can deny it has come to pass. Over the past 100 years or so we see an amazing increase in knowledge:
In technology: satellite communications, radar, motion pictures, recording, TV, telecommunications, cell phones, the internet, electron microscopes, computers, EFTPOS, nuclear power, solar power, fuel injection, jet aircraft, electric vehicles (EVs) …

In medical science: MRI scans, ultrasound, pacemakers, radiotherapy, IVF, artificial hearts, DNA, organ transplants, vaccines against major killers (typhoid, cholera, polio, smallpox)… The US saw a 14-fold reduction in death from infectious disease over the 20th century [University of Maryland].
In space science: rockets, satellites, spaceships, space stations, radio telescopes. NASA has developed technologies that benefit society in health and medicine, transportation, public safety, consumer goods, environmental and agricultural resources, computer technology and industrial productivity.
Inventions: US Patents: 1900-1920: 25,000 , 1995-1998: 150,000 [University of Maryland].

Annual air travel in the US: 1950: less than 100 miles/person, 1978: 1000 miles/person, 2000: 1500 miles/person.
100 years ago commercial air travel was unheard of; now there are typically 100,000 commercial flights each day!
Projected growth: In 2018 the International Air Transport Association (IATA) revealed that present trends in air transport suggest passenger numbers could double to 8.2 billion in 2037. The Asia-Pacific region will drive the biggest growth. Translated to aircraft fuel consumption, growth means 130 million tonnes in 1992, increasing to 450 million tonnes by 2050.
Tourism is the world’s largest industry: annual revenue of $500 billion, and is one of the major sources of foreign exchange in 83% of countries. This is a clear fulfilment of Daniel’s end time prophecy:
International tourism: 1950: 25m , 2003: 693m , 2020: 1.6 billion [WTO].
4. False Christs and Cults
Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many
Matthew 24:5,11
Over the past 2000 years there have been dozens of people who have claimed to be the prophesied Christ, or a Messiah under the umbrella of Christianity. To name a few:
- Aldebert (8th century)
- Tanchelm of Antwerp (c1110)
- Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (1892-1975)
- Sun Myung Moon (born 1920)
- Inri Cristo (born 1948)
- David Koresh (1959-1993)
A more comprehensive list is HERE. Don’t be deceived: when the true Messiah (Jesus Christ) returns to earth, His appearing will be sudden, dramatic and witnessed by the whole world (Matthew 24:27).
5. Worldwide Proclamation of the Gospel
This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the whole world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24.14

This scripture is a key end-times prophecy. It does not say every individual will hear the gospel. But it does say it will be preached “as a witness to all the nations”. This requires two basic things to happen. The first is a global delivery mechanism, as in current technologies:
- Local AM and FM radio in towns and cities
- International shortwave Christian radio, such as HCJB and FEBC
- Satellite platforms carrying Christian radio and TV
- The Internet
So the first requirement is virtually complete (but assumes that various people groups are able to access this technology). It is interesting to note that during the 20th century the number of Christians in Africa, Asia and Latin America increased ten-fold, and today Asia has the fastest-growing churches in the world, link.
The second basic requirement is the availability of appropriate Bible translations. Of the 8 billion people in the world (as of 2023), about 7.2 billion (97%) had at least some scriptural translation. And about 6 billion have a full Bible translation. That said, as of 2023 there were still over 2500 languages without a scripture translation []. Put another way, it is estimated that over 7,000 people groups are still unreached [].
It seems that “the witness of the gospel” has not been heard by all nations (read people groups). But the majority have heard!
6. Famines and Pandemics
there will be famines and pestilences
Luke 21:11
Famine is one of the seven seals of judgement of God, and is symbolised by a shortage of wheat and barley in Revelation 6:6. Already about 1 in 8 people are suffering from chronic undernourishment, link, and global warming studies estimate that half of the world’s population could face severe food shortages by the end of this century, link.
In Luke 21:11 the Greek word translated ‘pestilences’ means any sudden fatal epidemic. Epidemics that span across international boundaries are called pandemics. In 1918 the Spanish Flu pandemic killed over 50 million people, link. Since then the world has seen SARS, the avian flu pandemic in 2007, the swine flu (H1N1) pandemic from Mexico in 2009, and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. An increase in pandemics is expected, partly due to increase in air travel. To combat this danger, the World Health Organisation (WHO) proposes a Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.
7. Increased Lawlessness
Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold
Matthew 24:12
The Good News
Overall levels of crime in England and Wales have fallen in recent decades [], and the aggravated assault rate in the United States has fallen significantly since 1990, link.
The Bad News
- 9/11 was the worst ever act of terrorism
- Recorded annual offences in England and Wales:
1920: 0.1m , 1950: 0.5m , 1980: 2.5m , 2005: 10.8m [] - Total recorded crime in England and Wales in 2009 was about 5,000% above the 1900 level [NCRS]
- Aggravated assault per 100,000 people in the USA: 1957: 60 , 1992: 440 [FBI]
- For 2000-2009, terrorist attacks against Americans show over 900% increase on 1970-79 levels [link]
- Each day 135,000 American children bring a gun to school
- Fatal terrorist attacks worldwide: 1972: 200 , 1982: 1000 , 1992: 2000 , 2002: 600 , 2007: 2000 , 2014: 45000 [link, link]
- Terrorist incidents worldwide increased five-fold between 1970 and 2015 [link]
- Since 2012, the largest percentage of the world’s terrorist activities have been conducted by jihadist groups [link]
- Cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025 []
It appears that despite possible recent decreases in domestic crimes, there is an alarming increase in international crime and terrorism.
8. Persecution of Christians
They will lay their hands on you and will persecute you
Luke 21:12-19
Although Christians have been persecuted for 2,000 years, they are now the most persecuted religious group in the world, link. Some 26 million Christians were martyred during the 20th century – more than the combined total of all previous centuries. Today, one Christian is killed every 11 minutes!
The 10-40 Window: Today much of the persecution occurs in the 10-40 window link (from West Africa and across Asia) where religious liberty is restricted. There are 1.6 billion Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists living in this window, link, and in some countries the Church has almost been eliminated as a result of Islamic, Hindu or atheistic oppression.
That said, severe persecution can actually grow the Church. In Iran persecution threatened to eliminate Christianity but the opposite happened. In the past decade Iran has been one of the fastest-growing churches in the world, link.
Westernised Nations: A more subtle form of persecution is now occurring in secular Europe due to EU Equality Directives, link – which are void of biblical morality. For example, in the UK Christians are losing employment under Equality Law for simply holding to their Christian ethos in the workplace, link. And the UK police often arrest street preachers, even when simply preaching the plain gospel. In both the USA and Europe, persecution is growing via the media, entertainment industry, educational authorities, and the police. Examples worldwide:
- 1998: 500 Christian churches burned down in Java
- 2000: 800 homes and stores owned by Christians destroyed in Poso, Central Sulawesi
- 2005: 175,000 Christians were martyred worldwide [Int. Journal of Missionary Research]
- 2008: 200 million Christians worldwide in danger of being tortured, persecuted, or killed [Idea, EA]
- 2010: Nigerian Christians suffered terror from Muslim extremists. Whole village massacred
- 2019: 527 recorded incidents against Christians in India from Hindu extremists [Persecution Relief]
- 2023: Some UK banks are now affiliated to LGBT lobby groups. This is being used to close the accounts of customers who hold a different moral ethos [Christian Concern]
- In China, 60-100 million risk their lives and liberty to worship in underground house churches [Focus on the Family]
9. Sudden Removal of the True Church
There is a mysterious end times prophecy that describes something literally ‘out of this world’. It is so mysterious that most institutionalised churches ignore it.
On the other hand, many evangelical Christians who watch unfolding prophecy believe in the sudden and miraculous removal of the true church (true believers) from the earth:
Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken the other left
Matthew 24:40-41
This is sometimes described by the English word ‘rapture’, derived from the Latin verb ‘rapere,’ meaning ‘to carry off’ (in a friendly way). Founded upon scriptures like Matthew 24 and Luke 17, the rapture concept embraces the idea that the second coming of Jesus takes place in two separate stages (sometimes taken to be 7 years apart). Although some dispute this concept, link, there is strong justification for such a prophetic interpretation, link.
The context in Matthew 24 is of people working and living normally until something totally unexpected and supernatural suddenly happens. This implies that the mandatory mark of Revelation 13 for buying and selling is imposed after the rapture. Such technology is here, so the rapture appears to be imminent! Why are true followers of Christ taken? Jesus answers this in Matthew 24 and Luke 17. They are taken out of the world to protect them from the coming judgments upon the earth.
10. End Times Prophecy of a Godless World Government
Many prophecies point to a godless and ruthless world government, link, with total control over individuals:
and the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron … and crush all others”
Daniel 2:40, Revelation 13:1
This is seen as a ‘beast’ rising from the sea of humanity, and ruled by a godless and blasphemous world dictator:
he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God … and authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation
Revelation 13:6,7
Albert Einstein said:
There is no solution for civilisation or even the human race, other than the creation of world government
By this he inferred that all humankind should be united under one common political authority. Today, many organisations are working towards World Government e.g. NATO, the UN, the IMF, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Illuminati, the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, the World Health Organisation, the World Council of Churches, link.
As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the World Economic Forum (WEF) commenced The Great Reset initiative (under the strategic UN–WEF partnership). A major objective is to “build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems”. But this is a secular initiative, not a biblical one, and so must be facilitating the end-time World Government.
See the World Government video for a detailed white-board presentation of the biblical facts.
11. A False World Church – Spiritual Babylon
A false (apostate) world church is emerging:
I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast … and on her forehead a name written ‘Babylon the Great’
Revelation 17:5
A “spiritual Babylon” is being formed via the Ecumenical Movement and headed by the Roman Catholic church. The restoration of unity among all Christians was one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). Many churches now participate in the Ecumenical Movement, including Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians and Lutherans.
Others, like Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Bunyan, Huss, Knox, Edwards and Wesley saw the danger. They identified the Papacy with the Antichrist (the second beast in Revelation 13). Taking this viewpoint, it is this second beast – a false church – that imposes the “mark of the beast” (see below).
12. End Times Prophecy of Cashless Trading
This is probably one of the most discussed and feared concepts in prophecy:
And he causes all … to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead … and no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark …
Revelation 13:16-17
Cards and Biometrics: Cashless transactions via magnetic-stripe cards were introduced in the 1980’s. Today ‘chip and PIN’ smart cards are widespread, enhanced around 2020 by “contact-less” card transactions not requiring a PIN.

But cards can be lost or stolen and a way of avoiding this is to link a person’s identity to their physical characteristics (Biometrics) – such as fingerprint identification, facial recognition, or iris recognition. In this respect, the International Biometrics and Identity Association, IBIA, advances the adoption and responsible use of technologies for managing human identity.
But biometric authentication relies on statistical algorithms and therefore cannot be 100% reliable when used alone [, 2020]. For example, facial recognition can fail when the person cuts their hair or grows a beard. Clearly, a method of identifying each person by number seems much less prone to error.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): This technology is closer to that implied in end times prophecy. A seemingly attractive trading system would be to number each individual and then detect their number in a contactless way when automatic payment is required. The most suitable location for a contactless device on a human being would be on the hand or forehead.
Current technology uses RFID and is human implantable. These low-cost chips (the size of a grain of rice) are used to tag animals, but they can also be embedded in people. A scanner energises the chip, which then returns a radio signal containing the person’s ID number, which in turn is fed to a computer database.
Moreover, technologies now exist to place the ID on the skin surface: antennas for RFID tags can now be tattooed directly onto the skin’s surface, link. Clearly, this technology is only a short step from the technology described in Revelation 13.
13. ‘De-banking’: Prelude to Revelation 13
No one may buy or sell except the one who has the mark . . . [Revelation 13:17]

Some banks are acting as “thought police” by suddenly closing the bank accounts of customers if their worldviews clash with those of the bank. Banks in the US and the UK for example are guilty of such actions [,]. Worldviews in question are typically political views or the ethical/moral views held by Christians or Christian organisations. Banks discover customer views through, for example, customer surveys, social media or via direct questioning.
This action is not only against a bank’s own anti-discrimination policies, but it attacks free-speech as embedded in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moreover, banks are often not obliged to disclose their reasons for closing an account. Whilst governments may well legislate against such account closures, the prophecy in Revelation 13 implies that this type of brutal financial control is just around the corner!
14. The Danger of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Humanity

Compare a warning of the dangers of AI with a biblical prophecy in Revelation 13:
Artificial intelligence (AI) advances could put human lives at risk. [E&T: Engineering Technology, June 2023]
. . . “the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” [Revelation 13:15]
The Bible prophecy appears to be referring to a human designed machine (an image to some beast, verse 14) that is given power to speak, to reason, and to kill. In the near future, human beings will be told to make some machine which both speaks and then condemns some to death – seemingly without human intervention. Already, lethal autonomous weapons systems use AI to identify, select, and kill human targets without human intervention!
15. Sudden Global Financial Collapse
the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn … for no one buys their merchandise anymore … in one hour such great riches came to nothing
Revelation 18:11,17
In January 2023, UK public sector net debt was about 100% of GDP (the highest level of debt since 1961) []. When debt rises faster than economic output, higher government debt implies more state interference in the economy and higher taxes in the future. The global government (public) debt is rapidly increasing, link, and will lead to sudden global financial meltdown, link.
You will never foresee these things – the system is ultimately just too complicated for anybody to really understand [Martin Wolf, Financial Times, London]
16. End Times Prophecy of Extreme Weather – Climate Change
Climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing today
Sir David King, UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor
Whilst this statement is based on disputed IPCC data, link, the fact remains that over the last century the climate warmed significantly, by about 1.0°C [NASA]. Whilst governments attribute this largely to an increase in anthropogenic CO2 (but see Causes of Climate Change), Bible prophecy indicates that it will get much worse due to increased sun activity:
And the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun . . . and men were scorched with fierce heat (Revelation 16: 8-9)
The inhabitants of the earth are burned . . . (Isaiah 24:6)
EXTREME STORMS: Increased temperature brings increased storm severity, and hurricane forecast models, link, indicate a tendency for more intense hurricanes due to increased energy obtained from warmer seas [RealClimate]. Since the 1970’s there has been a marked increase in the intensity and duration of tropical storms, including North American hurricanes. The number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes has nearly doubled since 1970 [MIT]. So, if there is further warming, the world can expect increased storm activity:
There will be … dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves (Luke 21:5)
EXTREME RAIN: Today nations are experiencing extreme rainfall, leading to catastrophic flooding and destruction. Such events are mentioned in end-time prophecy:
For the windows from on high are open (Isaiah 24:18)
Here, the English word “windows” is translated from the Hebrew word “arubbah” which is also translated ‘windows’ or ‘floodgates’ in Genesis 7:11. The term denotes an opening in the atmosphere like a sluice or floodgate. It seems that torrential rain will be experienced as occurred at the Genesis Flood.
EXTREME DROUGHT: The area of the earth’s surface affected by drought has more than doubled since the 1970’s [Nat. Geographic].
The earth mourns and withers, the world fades and withers (Isaiah 24:1-4)
- Lake Chad in Africa has shrunk to 5% of its size in the 1960’s [Nat. Geographic]
- Partly due to over-exploitation of groundwater, water tables are falling on every continent: 1.5m/yr in China, 1-3m/yr in India
- New wells for Beijing now have to reach 1,000 meters [Executive Intelligence Review]
- Two out of every three people will be short of water by 2025 [WWI & Tearfund]
- Increased aridity may be an natural response to climate warming [The Earth Institute]
- The 2022 drought in Europe is deemed the worst for 500 years [Sky News]
- Water levels in the Euphrates have fallen to historically low levels – the river could be dry by 2040. [CSIS]
17. Severe Earthquakes
there will be great earthquakes
Luke 21:11
According to the USGS, link, the world experiences about 50 earthquakes each day and can expect about 17 major earthquakes in any given year. Worldwide, in the period 1990-1999 there were 6 magnitude 8+ earthquakes, and over 2000-2009 there were 13 magnitude 8+ earthquakes, [USGS Earthquake Hazards]. An earthquake of magnitude 8 on the Richter Scale can totally destroy communities near the epicentre, link. Nine of the ten largest earthquakes since 1900 (magnitude 8.7 or more) all occurred after 1950, link.
And there was a great earthquake … and the cities of the nations fell.
Revelation 16:18-19
18. Asteroid Impact
And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea … and a third of the ships were destroyed
Revelation 8:8-9

This appears to be a biblical description of a future major asteroid impact in the sea, and, clearly, such an impact will generate a huge tsunami, link. Jesus Himself told us to watch for ‘signs in the stars’ (Lk 21.25). Asteroid impact is certainly a reality. A Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) has the potential to make close approaches to the Earth and a size large enough to cause significant damage in the event of impact. By March 2014 there were some 1,458 known PHAs, link. It only needs one to hit!
On 15 February 2013, an asteroid some 45m in diameter passed the Earth at a distance of just 27,700 km. This is nearer than a geostationary satellite! On 11 March 2014, asteroid CU13, some 190m wide, passed earth at a distance of 3 million km. In June 2024, Earth had another close encounter with an asteroid. This one was about 500 feet wide and passed within 180,000 miles of Earth. Alarmingly, scientists only discovered it two weeks before it made its pass!
A potentially catastrophic asteroid named 2013 TV135, some 400m wide, has a slim chance that it will impact Earth in 2032, creating a blast 50 times greater than the biggest nuclear bomb [NASA].
When faced with a potential impact, Americans are advised to ‘pray’ [Charles Bolden, NASA administrator, March 2013].
19. Bible Prophecy about Israel – the Nation and the Land
This is one of the major signs in end times prophecy:
I will take the children of Israel from among the nations … and bring them into their own land
Ezekiel 37:21
Israel’s Population: 1900: 0.5m, 2020: 8.7m (an amazing 1700% increase since 1900)
By 586 BC the whole of the nation of Israel had been exiled and scattered amongst the nations. But the Bible predicts that one day Israel will return to her promised land – the land promised to Abraham and his descendants:
- In the last days, Israel will be gathered from many nations, from the north, south, east and west (Isa 43:6, Ps 107:3)
- Israel will be placed in her own land (Ezek 37:12,14)
- Jerusalem will be placed under Jewish rule (Luke 21:24)
- Jerusalem will become the focus of worship for the nations (Zech 14:16)
This has been born out in recent history:

- 1882: first wave of emigration (first ‘Aliyah or ascent) to Palestine, particularly from Russia and Romania
- 1917: General Allenby liberated Jerusalem from the Turks, giving Jews access to the city
- 1948: State of Israel established, David Ben Gurion became the first Prime Minister
- 1950: Law of return passed by Israel’s Parliament – opening Israel to Jews from over 60 countries
- 1967: Jerusalem came under Jewish rule
- 2017: The United States officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
End times prophecy also predicts that Israel will have increasing wealth and prosperity (Isa 60:5,17). This too is coming true. Today, Israel is particularly advanced in hi-tech industries such as computer science, electronics, genetics, medicine, optics and solar energy. She mines natural gas, potash, magnesium, copper, gold and phosphates. New natural gas finds, link, could supply Israel for more than 20 years. She also has highly developed banking, health, and University systems. And it is well known that Israel has a powerful, technically advanced defence force, the IDF, link.
Between 1990 and 2000 Israel’s forest area increased by 61%, compared to a world change of -2% [Earth Trends 2003]. Israel’s agriculture produces apples, pears, peaches, apricots, bananas, mangoes, dates, olives, grapes etc.. Prophecy reflects this abundance: “Israel shall blossom and bud and fill the world with fruit” (Isaiah 27:6). But right now the nations choose to boycott Israel’s produce!
20. End-time Wars Against Israel
Today Israel has few friends and is hated by many nations, especially her Islamic neighbours. Here’s what her neighbours say:
- The battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel [President of Egypt, 1967]
- Our goal is clear – to wipe Israel off the map [President of Iraq, 1967]
- Israel should be eliminated from the pages of history [President of Iran, 2006]
- Israel is a cancerous tumour that should be cut and will be cut [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, 2012]
- You [Zionist regime] will not see 25 years from today! [Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, Sept. 2015]
- Hamas will not recognize the State of Israel. Palestine must stretch from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea [Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh, 2020 ]
The Bible claims there is only one God, “the God of Israel” (see Isaiah chapter 45). So those who fight against Israel also fight against God, and whoever touches Israel touches the apple (pupil) of His eye (Zechariah 2:8). Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran – beware!

End times prophecy suggests an Islamic/Russian-led invasion of Israel – the coming Iran-Israel war, (also referred to as “the Gog-Magog war”, link). This is shortly followed by an ‘all-nation’ invasion of Israel, when the world’s armies gather for war in the plain of Megiddo (the so-called battle of Armageddon).
Whilst the first war involves essentially Islamic nations, possibly led by Russia, the last war involves the whole world. Referring to the war at end of the age, God says:
I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem
Zechariah 14:2
Neither war against Israel succeeds.
The following video graphically illustrates many of the above end time prophecies:
The Probability of seeing multiple End Time Events
Some of these 20 end times prophecies are being fulfilled today! For example, we already see worldwide pollution of land and sea (2), massive increase in knowledge and travel (3), worldwide proclamation of the gospel (5), increasing persecution of Christians (8), the emergence of world government (10), cashless trading (12), extreme weather events (16) and the emergence of the nation of Israel (19).
Suppose each of these 8 events has a 1 in 10 chance of occurring “today” (say within the last 50 years), and that they are all independent of each other. Then the chance of seeing all 8 events simultaneously today would be 1 in one hundred million. Clearly it is highly improbable to see all 8 by chance, and it is more logical to assume some transcendent intelligence is ordering and controlling these events, and that Bible end times prophecy speaks the truth and can be trusted.
Now the Good News
The End of the Age and the Return of Jesus Christ
God is Shaking the Nations
After 6,000 years of steady human progression, the global scenario suddenly seems far less certain. From many aspects, life as we have known it suddenly looks threatened. We see demographic, climatic, environmental, financial, social and political instability. We are even aware of possible asteroid impact, link!
The Bible refers to time epochs for this earth; one age comes to an end and another starts. Scholars of end times prophecy interpret what we are observing as signs of “the end of the age”. Referring to the very end of this age, just before Christ returns to Earth (Matthew 24:29), God says:
Once more … I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations …
Haggai 2:6-7
What we observe today appears to be the start of this shaking. Indeed, Jesus confirmed that there will be a definite end to the present age when He told us to watch for certain signs. He said:
When you see all these things (the end time signs), know that it (the Second Coming of Christ) is near – at the doors!
Matthew 24:33

What happens then? End times prophecy graphically describes the destruction of the end time World Government, link, along with it’s leader and the judgement of the nations. These events are then immediately followed by the return of Jesus Christ to earth, link. His feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem.
End times prophecy then points to a ‘Millennial’ age on this earth, where the world is at peace, justice is established, and Christ rules the nations in righteousness from Jerusalem:
And the LORD shall be King over all the earth
Zechariah 14:9
The good news is that you do not have to go through the trials soon to come upon the earth. Jesus Christ will deliver you from the coming judgement of the nations and the wrath of God if you put your trust in Him.
Download a detailed study of end time prophecy (the last years of this age) HERE
Download a detailed study of the Millennial Age HERE
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