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The Compromising Church

The Compromising Church

Scriptures the Church Ignores

compromising church

Covid-19 has led to talk of conspiracy, a controlling world government, Covid passports, and advanced technology leading to the mark of Revelation 13. There is real fear even in Christian circles. People are fearful of each other (totally unnatural) and fearful for the future. So maybe its now time to re-read prophecy and Jesus’ words of hope in an increasingly chaotic world?

Sadly, the institutionalised church is silent on certain scriptures that could give real hope. At best some scriptures are either incorrectly interpreted or their true meaning is compromised with worldly thinking. Of course, the compromising church has been around since the church at Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17). This early church compromised on doctrine, and this is true today. As Isaiah 59:14 says: “truth is fallen in the street” – and that “street” often includes the church! For example, few sermons are preached on:

  1. What the Bible says about homosexuality (the compromising church aligns with secular thinking)
  2. What the Bible says about the end-time role of Israel (many churches follow Replacement Theology)
  3. What the Bible says about the supernatural removal of the true end-time believers (complete silence?)

Ahhh… now number 3 is interesting. Let’s see what Jesus had to say about it:

Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming (Matthew 24:40-42)

 I tell you, in that night there will be two people in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left (Luke 17:34-36)

Why are these words of Jesus often ignored in church teaching? Are these very clear statements in Matthew and Luke “too hot to handle” for the compromising church? Do they take the church out of her comfort zone? Does the institutionalised church only speak on texts that will not upset her listeners? Some argue that these (and supporting texts) are unclear and therefore should not be stressed or preached. They say they are irrelevant to the gospel message. But is that true?

Jesus’ Words give Hope

Others argue that a correct interpretation of Matthew and Luke (and supporting texts) can give real hope to the fearful end-time believer, and also a clear warning to unbelievers. In other words, it is the gospel message viewed from a different standpoint. It gives hope to the true church when society and nations are crumbling (as with climate change and Covid-19).

The Prophetic Context

Let’s take the Pre-tribulation interpretation of prophecy since this fits well with today’s world scenario. This view takes Daniel’s 70th week (Daniel 9:24-27) as still future and provides the short time epoch (seven prophetic years) during which God judges the earth. Some maintain that Christians then come under intense pressure and many are martyred (read for example Revelation 7).

But does such tribulation include the true church? Maybe not. It seems from Jesus’ words that before intense world-wide persecution of Christians and Jews commences, born again believers are supernaturally removed from the world scene!

compromising church

Why does the church ignore the very clear teaching Jesus gave on the mysterious removal of believers before the traumas of Week 70? The Philadelphia-type church that Jesus loves appears to be “kept from the world’s hour of trial” (Revelation 3:10). And Paul sees this mystery as “instantaneous immortality” (1 Corinthians 15:50-54) as true believers are caught up to meet with Jesus (Yeshua) in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:17). It seems that whilst the godless suffer God’s wrath during Week 70, those caught up enjoy a wedding feast (Matthew 24:10) prior to their return to earth with Him.

Doesn’t this view give end-time believers hope and an urgency to reach out to the unsaved before the gospel door shuts? Remember – in His parable of the wise and foolish virgins, Jesus strongly implies that the so-called ‘age of grace’ or ‘church age’ will end: “the door shuts” (Matthew 25:10). What then?


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